Author Archives: Sunnybank Little Athletics
QSAC Training Tuesday 10 Sep 19
Training at QSAC this week will be on Tuesday night instead of Thursday, time 1800 – 1900. The change is for this week only, due to coach availability.
Training – Sunday 25/08/19
Training tomorrow will be at QSAC, 0900 – 1030, meet Bryan and Isabel at the high jump mats (southern end), SAF (outside track). $5 entry fee required.
Sunday Training Cancelled 18/08/19
Apologies everyone, due to unavailability of coaches, training for Sunday this week is cancelled. We will endeavour to ensure training is conducted Wednesdays and Sundays each week for the remainder of the season.
Tiny Tots Program
Commencing Saturday 03 August our Centre Tiny Tots Program will run from 2:00 – 3:00 pm
Week 1 2019/2020 Centre Competition Saturday 20 July
12:30 – 1:00 pm for Information, trialists and registrations. 1:00 pm start for the afternoon program. Our aim is to start on time and continue that way for the season, please be punctual to assist the centre program to run smoothly for all families
SLAC 2019/2020 Season Start
Saturday 13 July 12:00 – 1:00pm for Information and Registration followed by Orientation from 1:00pm. We’d love to see our returning families for Orientation to assist our new athletes and families. Come on down for the traditional first day free sausage sizzle
2019 SLAC Annual General Meeting and Presentation Day
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Saturday 27 April 2019 Notice is hereby given to the members of the Sunnybank Little Athletics Centre Inc. that the Annual General Meeting of the Centre will be held on Saturday 27 April 2019. (The time and venue will be confirmed later this week)Nominations are now being called for Committee, Non Committee […]
Reminder – 26 Jan 2019
There is no centre comp on Australia Day or training on Sun 27/01/19. Enjoy the final long weekend before school starts back on Tuesday everyone! See you for training on Thursday and centre comp on Saturday 02 Feb.
New Saturday Timings from Saturday 01 Dec 18
It is that time of the year when we look at pushing back the Saturday competition start time. As summer hits the heat and length of daylight increase which means starting later is more suitable for our athletes and families. New timings: Set-up – 1:30pm Start – 2:30pm Tiny Tots – 3:00 -4:00pm
Centre Comp – Saturday 10 Nov
Reminder that there is Centre Comp this Saturday 10 Nov. This is a reserve day to replace the week 5 day that was lost to wet weather on 06 October.